Resting up until Sept. 7th

I have been blessed with an amazing summer of in store and online sales, and well I am tired. It's transition time between Summer and Fall that I'm just not in the mood to decorate for Fall yet as it's 110 degrees outside and want summer to stay. So it's a great time just to take time out, clean the shop, organize my paperwork, visit family and breathe before the start of Fall and Christmas at the Arcadia Valley Soap Co!
If you have never visited the shop between Fall and Christmas, I tend to decorate the shop more than usual. As my neighbor Steve next door once said, "It looks like Santa puked all over your store." Thanks Steve, love ya! No really, he's kinda correct - I have always enjoyed the cooler temps and well, if it's a colored LED string light, I probably own it.
This season I am starting the holiday products a bit earlier because I am by myself. Thank you for all the awesome offers of help, but it's been kinda fun being a crazy lady by myself after 5 years. Like my husband said, don't hire and just close when you are tired. I'm going with that plan this year. By offering the holiday soaps sooner, it will maybe ease my work load and I will be better able to juggle my volume. I appreciate all that have placed pre-orders already!
Some people where shocked that I sold out of the Black Cat and Bird so quickly. It's an internet thing. Orders for $300 and up at a time online are not unusual when people shop especially for gifts or in the case of the Cat and Bird, a Halloween Party! I can only make so many and if someone wants everything I have available, I cover my pre-sale peeps, and then sold the rest. There will be more on the way after the shop opens.
For my MoSoap people, I'm waiting on a pine tar shipment so I can make more pine tar soaps - supplies are becoming a bit more difficult to acquire. The world is a changing place as most of you have noticed.
So that 's the latest! Thanks for reading this far and I truly appreciate everything - from purchasing from me, telling people about my products and for just following along. I'll see you again September 7th.