Welcome to Arcadia Valley Soap

It’s March. It’s finally sunny. It’s time to start fresh.
My tulips are beginning to poke their heads up through the previously frozen ground and that always reminds me that all things are possible. So, welcome to the start of the Arcadia Valley Soap Company’s blog about all things soapy, herbal scented and wonderfully Missourian.
I’ve been handcrafting soap for quite some time now (pushing the 40 year mark) so I’ve worked under a couple of different names and brands. Sometimes I have only done private label work for spas and resorts, sometimes simply custom work for families with allergies or special needs. I love to make soap. My grandmother did professionally and learned from her grandmother, so it’s in my blood to pick flowers, infuse oils and whip up a batch of something scented with natural ingredients. It’s what I do best, and what I always come back to in the end. Now that my husband and I live in the small town of Ironton, I am more at “home” than ever in the world. Even prior to moving here in 2012, I knew I would live here and began designing soaps with the thought of changing the name of my business. While I still make my other brands of soaps, I wanted a name that showed I was committing to the Arcadia Valley for a long time. Last year, I was lucky enough to purchase a tiny pink granite building built in the 1900’s that no one thought had potential, especially my husband! Instead of seeing a worn down, well past it’s prime old building, I saw what it could be – wonderful. While most of this blog will be about soaping, it’s also about restoring hope and cheering up the world around me.
Our shopping site( http://www.ArcadiaValleySoap.com ) is still under construction as I gather all the brands and products together, I hope you follow along on my little adventure.
Welcome to the Arcadia Valley Soap Co. !