The Blur that is Christmas in Retail

Starting this holiday season, I had the best laid plans for being organized and prepared for the busy shopping season. Honestly time flew by so fast from October's Fall Festival when we started Christmas soaps to now just a week under Christmas. November was just a flash to me now, though I do remember eating a nice Thanksgiving meal in right before all craziness broke lose.
On CyberMonday, one of our new soaps Mint To Be Jolly was featured on Ozark FOX AM tv show and WOW! Thanks to them and the Buy Missouri Program for giving this old soapmaker an early Christmas present! If you want to see their segment with us, the video link is here.
Then a day later, I was told that we were in an article in the Rural Missouri magazine! I had no idea of their kindness in giving us a shout out in their article on Shopping Local. To be included with so many other amazing Missouri handcrafted businesses is an honor indeed! That article is here.
So now I write this post more of a THANK YOU to all the wonderful people that have supported our small business. The holiday shopping is not over and we are nearly sold out of all our Winter Wonderland collection. I'm making bath bombs now and thought I would take a break to write this. I can't possibly know of everyone that has helped us grow as so many of you have shared our products has gifts and talked us up to other. Know that I am greatly appreciative of you. I realize I can be pretty tenacious in business but no matter how hard you push at times, without the support of others, it doesn't work. So I know, I would not be able to do what I do without all of you!!!!
Thank you,