Not slowing down but time to reorganize

Happy New Year everyone!
With the start of 2024, I am overwhelmed with all of the kindness and patience my customers and friends have shown me throughout the last year.
I realize many people love to shop in the store on Main Street so that is why it was challenging to make this decision. I closing the soap shop until some point in Spring/early Summer. My last day open will be January 13th.
For those local - You will be able to order online and select Local Pickup to avoid shipping, and we can work out a time you can grab your goodies. I do this a lot now with gift baskets and presents for people so not much of a change. Everything works the same, reward points and gift cards online - I just will not be in the shop to wait on people. Colin and I talked it over regarding hiring someone and it's not what we want to do. It's easier on me to do internet ordering and there's lots of new shops on Main Street so you will not be without options!
If you are local, I will see you all January 11, 12 and 13th, then the shop will reopen in Spring/Summer. For the rest of my soap people, it's just $7 anywhere in the USA to receive your box of handcrafted goodies as normal - no change.
I'll be going to Colorado for a while and then off to Florida, plans to go back to Aromatherapy school to renew my NAHA membership as I have blown that off for several years. I'm just going to be catching up on my life and not focused on business in town. I realized I haven't finished the old hotel windows that I reglazed and have been sitting in a backroom for 3 years. It's time to take care of my house and live simpler.
I'll keep posting (actually more probably) and having new products out for online. I know if I don't offer Easter Bunny soaps I am in big trouble with several of you!! : ) Maybe I'll open every now and again, but I'll post if I do with notice.
Ok, didn't mean to ramble so but wanted to explain.
Thank you all greatly for supporting handmade!